Find out when Mother's Day is celebrated in the United States in this article.
Find out when Mother's Day is celebrated in the United States in this article.

In several countries around the world, there is a day to honor mothers. However, the date of the celebration usually varies from one place to another. In the case of the United States, this special day is celebrated in May.

In the USA, this celebration became official in the 20th century thanks to a woman who decided to commemorate her mother. In 1905, Anna Jarvis started a campaign to add Mother’s Day to the official calendar after her mother died on May 9 of that year. Three years later, Anna organized a tribute to her mother.

Subsequently, she began fighting for a special day to be set aside for moms, claiming that many of the holidays in the United States honored the accomplishments of men. Wanting the celebration to be officially recognized, she sent letters to congressional representatives, governors, celebrities, and other influential people.

However, it was not until 1914 that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed a decree recognizing Mother’s Day as a national holiday.

When is Mother’s Day in the United States?

After the holiday was made official, it was declared that Mother’s Day would be celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May. This year, that day falls on Sunday the 12th.

Why is Mother’s Day celebrated in the United States on May 12?

In the United States, Mother’s Day became official in the 20th century thanks to a woman who decided to honor her mother. In 1905, Anna Jarvis started a campaign for what she called ‘Mother’s Day’ after her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, passed away on May 9 of that year. Three years later, Anna organized a tribute for her mother.

After that, Jarvis began fighting to set aside a special day for mothers. She sought to make the celebration official, so she sent letters to congressmen, governors, celebrities and VIPs. By 1911, all U.S. states had recognized the holiday, but it was not until 1914 that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed a decree recognizing Mother’s Day as a national holiday.

Since the holiday was made official, it was adopted that Mother’s Day would be celebrated annually on the second Sunday in May.

Is Mother’s Day celebrated on the same date around the world?

Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Finland, Switzerland and Turkey are some of the countries that also honor their moms on May 12 in 2024.

The U.K. celebrates Mother’s Day in March and Mexico recognizes the holiday on May 10 this year. Thailand observes the holiday on August 12, which also happens to be the birthday of Queen Sirikit.

Which countries celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May?

The countries that celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May are:

  • Colombia
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • China
  • Ecuador
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Estonia
  • Philippines
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Holland
  • Honduras
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Puerto Rico
  • Czech Republic
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

On the other hand, in Latin America, Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala celebrate Mother’s Day on May 10.

10 short and sweet phrases for Mother’s Day in the USA

  1. God could not be everywhere and therefore made mothers.-Rudyard Kipling.
  2. There is only one beautiful child in the world, every mother knows it.-Chinese proverb.
  3. All that I am, and hope to be, I owe to my mother.-Abraham Lincoln.
  4. Motherhood is the greatest and the hardest thing.-Ricki Lake.
  5. The best place to cry is in a mother’s arms.-Jodi Picoult.
  6. My mother was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and courage. Her love is sweet as a flower, my mother is that sweet flower of love.-Stevie Wonder.
  7. Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind.-Kahlil Gibran.
  8. There is nothing like a mother’s love for her children.-Agatha Christie.
  9. A mother is someone you ask for help when you get into trouble.-Emily Dickinson.
  10. There is nothing like a mother’s hug.-Adabella Radici.

10 phrases to remember the mothers who are not here anymore

  1. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you with my eyes, but in my mind and in my heart you are just as present as ever.Happy Mother’s Day!
  2. You never know the value of a mother, until all you have left is the memory of her.
  3. You are, were and will be the best of me, thank you for making me the person I am.
  4. A mother’s embrace lasts longer when she is gone.
  5. Your memory will be with us every day of our lives. We miss you, today and always. Happy Mother’s Day.
  6. It has always been said that there is only one mother, but this phrase does not make sense until you miss yours.
  7. Just because you are not here, does not mean that you are not in my soul, a part of you, I will always carry in my heart, thank you, mom for being my path of light. For making me feel accompanied even though you have gone another way.
  8. Every time I look at the stars, I know you are there to guide my steps. Happy Mother’s Day.
  9. I send these flowers to heaven, for you who watch over me from there. Happy Mother’s Day.
  10. When a mother leaves, something of you leaves with her too. Because there is nothing comparable to a mother.

Bachiller en Periodismo en Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza (UJBM) con experiencia en periodismo digital. Además, cuento con diploma en Gestión Empresarial e Innovación por Pacífico Business School. Actualmente me desempeño como redactora del Núcleo de Audiencias del Grupo El Comercio.


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