Daylight saving time will begin on Sunday, March 9, 2025. In the early morning hours, the time will be advanced by one hour. (Photo: iStock)
Daylight saving time will begin on Sunday, March 9, 2025. In the early morning hours, the time will be advanced by one hour. (Photo: iStock)

The sun will set later for most Americans, thanks to the onset of Daylight Saving Time. This practice continues to generate controversy and debate: most countries in the world do not practice it, and critics argue that it can disrupt our sleep and negatively affect our health. Some U.S. politicians have even tried to make Daylight Saving Time permanent, and many Americans have expressed support for ending the twice-yearly time change.

Below, I explain in detail the key dates of the time change and the start of spring in 2025, including a table with the most important time zones in the country.

Learn the details and why the clock time should be changed on Sunday, November 5, 2023 in the United States. (Foto: AP)
Learn the details and why the clock time should be changed on Sunday, November 5, 2023 in the United States. (Foto: AP)

When does the time change in the U.S. in 2025?

Daylight Saving Time will begin on Sunday, March 9, 2025. In the early morning hours, time will be moved forward one hour, from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. This marks the change to local daylight saving time (DST).

Many devices, such as phones and computers, will automatically switch to Daylight Saving Time, but non-smart devices, such as microwave ovens and some car radios, as well as any clocks with hands, will likely need to be changed manually.

Time change by time zone

Daylight saving time is affected differently depending on the U.S. time zone. Below is a table of the corresponding changeover times:

Time ZoneTime of Change (advance 1 hour)
Eastern Time (ET)2:00 a. m. → 3:00 a. m.
Central Time (CT)1:00 a. m. → 2:00 a. m.
Mountain Time (MT)12:00 a. m. → 1:00 a. m.
Pacific Time (PT)11:00 p. m. → 12:00 a. m.

States that do not apply the time change

Not all U.S. states participate in daylight saving time. Hawaii and most of Arizona (except the Navajo Nation) maintain a fixed time throughout the year. In addition, some U.S. territories, such as Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands, also do not observe daylight saving time.

State/TerritoryDoes Daylight Saving Time apply?
New YorkYes
ArizonaNo (except Navajo Nation)
Puerto RicoNo

Debido a su clima desértico, Arizona no sigue el horario de verano (con la excepción de la Nación Navajo). En el caso de Hawái, el estado está cerca del ecuador y no hay mucha variación entre las horas de luz del día durante el año. Además, no participan:

  • Samoa americana
  • Guam
  • Islas Marianas del Norte
  • Puerto Rico
  • Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos
Clocks may adjust when the Daylight Saving Time comes. | Photo by AFP
Clocks may adjust when the Daylight Saving Time comes. | Photo by AFP

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